EDC places a major emphasis on the validation of its reconstruction and simulation programs. Our standard validation procedure involves the development of a set of control tests that exercise each program option and function. Additional validations are performed that compare the program results with actual vehicle handling studies, staged crash tests or other industry-recognized data. Finally, a statistical analysis is performed to quantify the accuracy of the programs. The result is an honest validation that confirms where the programs work well and where they do not. Publications listed below present the validation of several EDC programs and also some of the source data used for the validations.
Library Ref. # |
Description | Publication Pertains To |
0001 | "Differences Between EDCRASH and CRASH3," SAE 850253, Engineering Dynamics Corp., Beaverton, OR, 1985. (0.8 MB) |
0007 | "Further Validation of EDCRASH Using the RICSAC Staged Collisions," SAE 890740, Engineering Dynamics Corp., Beaverton, OR, 1989. (1.0 MB) |
0008 | "Further Validation of EDSMAC Using the RICSAC Staged Collisions," SAE 900102, Engineering Dynamics Corp., Beaverton, OR, 1990. (1.1 MB) |
0017 | "Validation of Several Reconstruction and Simulation Models in the HVE Scientific Visualization Environment," SAE 960891, Engineering Dynamics Corp., Beaverton, OR, 1996. (0.7 MB) |
0020 | "Validation of the EDVSM 3-Dimensional Vehicle Simulator," SAE 970958, Engineering Dynamics Corp., Beaverton, OR, 1997. (0.8 MB) |
0025 | "Differences Between EDVDS and Phase 4," SAE 1999-01-0103, Terry D. Day, Engineering Dynamics Corp., 1999. (0.5 MB) |
0026 | "An Overview of the EDSMAC4 Collision Simulation Model", SAE 1999-01-0102, Terry D. Day, Engineering Dynamics Corp., 1999. (0.5 MB) |
0034 | "Validation of the SIMON Model for Vehicle Handling and Collision Simulation - Comparison of Results with Experiments and Other Models," SAE 2004-01-1207, Terry D. Day, Engineering Dynamics Corp., 2004. (0.9 MB) |
1002 | "Accuracy and Sensitivity of CRASH," Smith, R., Noga, J., DOT HS-806 152, March 1982. (1.7 MB) | EDCRASH |
1003** | "Research Input for Computer Simulation of Automobile Collisions, Vol. I, Development of Data Bank," McHenry, R.R., Lynch, J., Segal, D., DOT HS-805 037, December 1978. (2.1 MB) | EDCRASH EDSMAC |
1004** | "Research Input for Computer Collisions, Vol. II, Staged Collisions Tests No. 1 through No. 5," Shoemaker, N., DOT HS-805 038, December 1978. (24.3 MB) | EDCRASH EDSMAC |
1005** | "Research Input for Computer Simulation of Automobile Collisions, Vol. III, Staged Collisions Tests No. 6 through No. 12," Shoemaker, N., DOT HS-805 039, December 1978. (41.3 MB) | EDCRASH EDSMAC |
1006** | "Research Input for Computer Simulation of Automobile Collisions, Vol. IV, Staged Collisions Reconstruction," Jones, I., Baum, A., DOT HS-805 040, December 1978. (5.2 MB) | EDSMAC EDCRASH |
1018 | "HSRI Three-Dimensional Crash Victim Simulator: Analysis, Verification, and Users' Manual and Pictorial Section," Robbins, D.H., Bennett, R.O., Roberts, V.L., DOT HS-800 551, June 1971. (8.0 MB) | EDHIS |
1022 | "Staged Collision and Damage Data Report for Accident Reconstruction of Thirty (30) Test Vehicles, Vol. III," Approved Engineering Test Lab., DOT HS-805 931, January 1981. (12.4 MB) | General |
1026 | "A Computerized Model For Simulating the Braking and Steering Dynamics of Trucks, Tractor-Semitrailers, Doubles, and Triple Combinations, Users' Manual - Phase 4," MacAdam, C.C., Fancher, P.S., Hu, G.T., Gillespie, T.D., UM-HSRI 80-58, September 1980. (10.3 MB) | HVE |
1027 | "CRASH2 Maintenance, Vol. I, Description of Results," Oppenheim, T., DOT HS-805 948, May 1981. (6.1 MB) | EDCRASH |
1028 | "CRASH2 Maintenance, Vol, II, Description of Results," Oppenheim, T., DOT HS-805 949, May 1981. (11.0 MB) | EDCRASH |
1058 | "RICSAC Staged Collisions High Speed Camera Films - On DVD, Test Nos. 3, 6, 7, 8, & 11. CalSpan, 1978. (Call or email for more information) | General |
WP-2000-4 | "Dynamics and Roll Stability of a loaded Class 8 Tractor-Livestock Semi-Trailer: An EDVDS Application" (Detailed information available on the White Papers webpage) | HVE EDVDS |
WP-2003-4 | "Investigating the Use of Simulation Model Non-Linear (SIMON) for the 'Virtual Testing' of Road Humps" (Detailed information available on the White Papers webpage) | HVE SIMON |
WP-2004-3 | "Comparison between EDVSM and SIMON: Automobile Handling Characteristics" (Detailed information available on the White Papers webpage) | HVE EDVSM SIMON |
WP-2005-2 | "Heavy Truck Brake Designer Validation Testing" (Detailed information available on the White Papers webpage) | HVE SIMON |
WP-2005-3 | "SIMON and EDVDS Validation Study: Steady State and Transient Handling" (Detailed information available on the White Papers webpage) | HVE EDVDS SIMON |
WP-2006-1 | "Presentation of HVE Validation Studies" (Detailed information available on the White Papers webpage) | HVE EDSMAC4 |