HVE allows you to reconstruct and simulate crashes involving all types of road vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, articulated vehicles, etc.). 3-dimensional issues involving vehicle rollover, collision under-ride, irregular road surfaces (curbs, potholes and embankments), as well as system failures, such as brake defects or tire blow-out, are handled directly. The role of the driver, such as inattention or over-correction, can be evaluated in great detail. HVE may also be used to analyze injuries to occupants and pedestrians.
HVE 2023 is here!
Several enhancements to the user interface, major updates to the wheel impact model in SIMON / DyMESH, and more!
We are extremely excited to announce that GATB (Graphical Articulated Total Body) and ReadDataFile are now EDC products. Please contact EDC at 503-644-4500 or info@edccorp.com for additional details.
Call For Papers
HVE users interested in presenting a technical paper in the HVE White Paper Session at the HVE Forum are invited to submit an abstract for consideration. This session is an opportunity for you to showcase your skills to other HVE users as well as to non-HVE users who may wish to hire you as a consultant. HVE White Papers are made available to download from the HVE White Paper library, providing excellent visibility for your work.
Need more vehicles. The Vehiclemetrics vehicle database is available directly from EDC as an optional add-on. Please contact EDC at 503-644-4500 or info@edccorp.com for additional details.